Friday, April 24, 2009

Trouble Installing Midnight Club: South Central Expansion PS3

Apparently, massive amounts of people are having an issue activating the first text (Doc's Garage) to start the South Central missions. Rockstar has made no comment yet on this so we don't know if they are aware of the issue, working on a fix, or even if the SC pack is working right but people just aren't doing what needs to be done to activate it.

Now as for me, i had no problem with getting SC to kick in. After i downloaded the packs i went into the game, drove around and did a few highway races (like 3 i think), and i ended up getting the text to go to Doc's Garage and start the SC missions.

I have asked a lot of people online who are having the issue if they have beaten the regular MCLA city champ. Most of those people did not finish the regular mission. Now i'm not sure if this is the reason why SC is not kicking in (i wouldn't see why you would have to beat the city champ just to start SC), or what is going on. It may just be some type of error in the game file. You must be AT LEAST 15% done in Career mode

What i would suggest trying is this:

  1. Delete the "Game Ulitily" file of MCLA. All this does is delete any patches the was added to the game. DO NOT delete your game save file.
  2. Then start the game and it will go back to the "update v1.05" and let it install.
  3. After that exit the game and go and redownload the free expanded map pack and install it.
  4. Once the map pack has been installed, if you bought any of the car packs, go and download them again and install them.
  5. When you have done all that start the game up.

Hopefully, after trying that and getting into the game and doing a few races (do highway they easy and fast) you will get a text telling you to go to Doc's Garage in SC.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure the above will work so don't come yelling at me if it does not. I'm just trying to give an option to try out.

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